The Coming Storm

The Coming Storm: A Digital Militia Blueprint

What is the difference between tactics and strategy? Strategy is a clever plan, while tactics make strategy actionable. Vision is the force that guides our strategy and makes it coherent.

We must separate tactics from strategy and vision.

Proliferating free markets and anonymous technology is not a goal in itself, it is a means to achieve our goal. Free markets and anonymous technology are tactics towards a goal that work in service of our vision.

The vision of Wikileaks was to create a fairer society and wage on arbitrary authoritarianism. Its core tactic was setting information free.

Wikileaks represents the essence of dark forest tactics. We can mobilize online. In this digital terrain we have the advantage. We have momentum.

How to Create a Movement

Nietzsche teaches us that ambition and drive are the source of all creation.

Drive comes from seeing a future and moving towards it, i.e. having a strong vision.

This is why religions talk about heaven. Heaven motivates people to perform good deeds.

Movements aren't spontaneous. They have teachings and they also have an organizational structure. They have priests that organize the community and train new warriors to go out and grow the faith.

A successful movement harmonizes vision with appropriate strategy and tactics.

Importance of Organization

When we operate a business, especially to deliver complex goals, we create a road-map (or strategy), break it down into small actionable tasks (or tactics) and assign roles to people. We create timelines so people can work together and execute the larger mission (or vision).

AnonDAOs provide us with anonymous on-chain organizations that are mass participatory. This is a critical tactic for enabling the new paradigm.

During the industrial era, England's war with Spain bankrupted the English king. England was tokenized to create the Bank of England. This enabled vast sums of money to be raised. With this innovation, England became the wealthiest nation in the world.

DarkFi is decentralizing this process. AnonDAOs tap into widespread latent energy, the people's energy, that has been repressed. Through anonymity, on-chain organization is expanding into territory that has been hitherto unexplored.

Until now the beast has been sleeping and slowly gaining strength. With DarkFi's release, the beast begins to stir.

This is the power of anonymous markets.

Ideology > Statecraft

Ingenuity trumps brute force. Ambitious driven warriors are disrupting civilized domesticated serfs. And we're winning.

The System's Neatest Trick

The System's Neatest Trick

Weak men (i.e. bosses) who surround themselves with slaves (i.e. wage-cucks) don't have the will to beat tenacious warrior-poet hackers. The key word here is will. 19th century Prussian General Carl von Clausewitz discusses in his seminal work "On War", there is a strength of the Will that shifts narratives within a military.

Think of any war since the 20th century. Guerrilla forces have the power to win against a technologically superior invading power. Ideological warriors fighting for their homeland against a regime-changing, overstretched super-power have a hidden advantage.

This is why Western Civilization is weaker than ever. It has become deeply fractionalized with neoliberal elites scurrying to maintain power. The parties in control of the power structure use whatever tools at their disposal to maintain this grip. Tactics like corporations hiding behind the mask of DEI green-washed LGBT, while petitioning to bomb civilians shows their complete lack of ethics. They don't want revolution, they want to maintain the status-quo. People demanding action from their representative governments are shown the authoritarians' true nature by being run over by horses.

Protestors are trampled by horses for speaking out against the regime

Make no mistake, we're headed for civil war and economic chaos followed by the rise of authoritarianism. History teaches us this much. Forget the system and its fake 'politics'. Crypto people must begin prepping, instead of yielding to authoritarian cucks.

Look at the Syrian civil war. Before the civil war escalated, the regime killed a few thousand protesters. Initially this scared people but as the war progressed the people hardened their nerves and stood up in resistance. The government couldn't play whack a mole anymore.

The lesson here is chaos is a complex system that escapes the control of any single dictator.

This is inevitable. Embrace fate.

We are untouchable.


The dark forest means an internet overgrown with cryptography.

  • Anonymous organizations with on-chain treasuries and democratic token voting.
  • Anonymous infrastructure for communication, coordination and management. No more GoogleDocs or Discord - any 'privacy' project using this is fake garbage that doesn't believe its own rhetoric and doesn't present a real threat to the current status quo (otherwise it wouldn't be participating in these surveillance systems).
  • Anonymous money, markets and trading. MEV is bad and against the vision of crypto (disintermediating financial parasites like the FED who extract rent from the economy while doing nothing). Not only do people pay higher fees in crypto than in banks, we now pay moonboy degens to snort coke and have sex with hookers in Dubai while they write twitter posts telling us "Why MEV Is A Good Thing".
  • Free information. Censorship-resistance? What's up with that? BitTorrent is 20 years old now. Wikileaks is 15 years old and made by 1 man. Yet the entire crypto industry with several billion dollars in market-cap hasn't been able to disrupt this sector. Sounds like it's because the space is full of cucks pleading to law enforcement about how privacy is compatible within the current surveillance paradigm. They're too afraid to 'disrupt' corporate media and government because, secretly, they want acceptance from the elite.

The dark forest provides cover and concealment so we can move as freedom revolutionaries; mobilizing and driving humanity forward to the next socio-political structure.

Devs: Join us, be early in something which has impact and participate in the upside. Don't sit on the sidelines waiting. Take the risk, plunge in and help us ship this lifeboat for the coming storm.

If you aren't a dev then learn. Use our Agorism Hackers Study Guide to become one.

Let there be dark.

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